Monday, June 24, 2013
Chantal has been baptised!
The best week ever!! So we got chantal baptized and it was an excellent
time. After i baptized her she started crying in the font and i didn't
know what to do at all so i just walked out and started changed... it
was awkward but i guess that's what happens after 10 months on a
mission. This week we have been doing a lot of hard work to find people
to teach. I just keep thinking back to chantal and how she was found
through really hard work and being a little bit pushy. on her teaching
record it says 100 percent athiest but now we can say she's 100 percent
christian and that is honestly the greatest gift anyone could give me
for my 10 month mark. 10 months have really flown by and in these 10
months the mission has changed so much. i'll write more next week so i
hope you're all doing well
Monday, June 17, 2013
Joshua 7
Woah! This week blew my mind! Of course we listened to an apostle of the
lord and he just told us straight up how it was. He makes it sound so
easy to just baptize people, and honestly it is. I know that if we are
doing our part it doesn't matter where we are on our mission, or in our
mission for that matter, we can baptize people. It's really up to us and
our worthiness. So simple. Elder Ballard talked a lot about how we are
conduits for the spirit. We are the link that brings it to them. This is
where worthiness comes in. I was reading in Joshua and it talks about
the Israelites after they took Jericho. They were commanded not to keep
anything from Jericho, they were commanded to give it all to the lord.
There was a man named Achan who took some gold and silver from Jericho
and of course he didn't tell anyone. Joshua sends soldiers into Ai
directly after that and they get beaten by an army of lesser power.
Joshua is taken back and doesn't understand because the Lord promised
him they would take all the land of the caananites. The Lord then tell
Joshua that somebody had disobeyed and had taken spoils from Jericho.
All in all the army couldn't win because they weren't obedient. It's the
same way with us. we have to do all that we can to have the spirit and
to help people understand and recognize when they're feeling the
Joshua 7
I'm so happy that we got to see Elder
Ballard. Talking with members of my district on the phone after you
could hear the fire in their voices. We have a goal as a mission to
baptize 100 people before Elder Oaks comes in September and I'm so glad
that we can contibrute to it here in St. Dié. I'm so happy for chantal
and for how much she's changed in her life
till next week!
Monday, June 10, 2013
Always remain worthy of the people you convert
this week was another super week in st. d. things are just going so well here i'm so happy to be serving right here right now.
week we saw chantal numerous times and each time she just continues to
amaze me. she has read all the teachings of lorenzo snow and george
albert smith books and she just keeps blazing through. we gave her all
our liahonas, which is european for ensign, and she's read like 7 of
those as well the gospel principals book. i won't let her see d and c
yet or else she will have read the whole standard works before her
baptism. she is amazing. she's talked to us a lot about her patriarchal
blessing and also about how she wants to go to the temple. i think she
is the type of person every missionary dreams of and i'm just so lucky
to have this chance to teach her. gotta love it.
this coming week might be one of the best weeks of
my mission. besides the fact that the work is going so so well here we
also get to see an apostle tomorrow, tuesday.
i've never been so pumped for anything in my life. elder ballard will
be able to shower us with his knowledge and i have questions that need
answering so i hope he can be inspired to help me out a little bit.
i was reading in preach my gospel and a line really
struck me, it says something like: always remain worthy of the people
you convert. it just got me thinking about how lives can never be the
same after missions and how they should never be the same because you
need to always be changing and progressing.
i also found a nice little scripture in my readings
of the old testament that i really liked. it's in deuteronomy 2:7 and i
think it make me really reflect on missions because sometimes it feels
like we have been in the dessert (i'm not sure if i spelt that correctly
in english) and we don't know if what we are doing is correct or not
Monday, June 3, 2013
The days feel like Minutes!
this week has been pretty normal but also super awesome.
the days seriously feel like minutes now and it's really freaking me
i had an exchange with one of the zone leaders named elder adams. it
was super fun and we found a cool evangalist lady who is pretty
interested. not bad for a days work.
in case any of you were wondering i now drive stick
and i'm pretty much the boss. it was sketchy at first but now i've
really got the hang of it and i'm pretty clutch (ha ha get it) in every
situation. that's just a little about my driving skills. yes i still
speed from time to time but i'd rather not get a ticket on my mission so
i try not to do that anymore
Chantal is basically the best ever. she finished the
lorenzo snow book and we presented her an intense 7 days quit smoking
program. she's been following it and hasn't smoked since we saw her at
church yesterday. sweet! I just can't believe how much she changes every
time we meet with her. it's true! the gospel blesses lives and will
make you happier i see it all the time. woah! i'm so excited for her
baptism! yay
we were porting one day and we found out way into a
little apartment building. we call them bats in france which is short
for bâtiment so i will refer to it as that. we ported the whole bat and
didn't find anything till the last door where a lady opened up. there
were kids running everywhere and it was crazy. we talked for a little
bit and i found out she way 27 with 6 kids. she looked 40 at least,
mostly she just looked tired even more tired than us missionaries. but
she said her parents had never really taught her the gospel or anything
about religion. she said it never really interested her till she saw her
children. it really makes me think of all the times i've taken
advantage of how awesome it is to have so much religion in my community
back home. makes me cringe as well at all the times i've just taken
advantage of all the wonderful blessings right in front of me when there
are people who haven't had that in their lives. oh well it takes a
mission to realize things like that. i'm just thankful for my family and
the wonderful community i grew up in.
on the 11th we have the wonderful opportunity to go
see an apostle speak. elder ballard is coming to our mission and there
were only a selected number of zones who got chosen and ours was one of
them. i'm so excited to get to listen to an apostles again. that's 2
times already on my mission. woah! i remember when i was getting ready
to leave everyone told me how difficult the french people were going to
be and how hard this mission was. but i can truly say that our mission
is doing things that it's never done and it's definitely starts up top
with President Poznanski and all our leaders are so sweet and i'm so
happy to be in this mission. not because i'm on france and it's a sick
place but really because i know i have a purpose here and that we were
all sent here to boost up france. no it isn't easy but that's alright! I
love our mission so much! like i said the days feel like minutes and
every week just flies by. oh man it's crazy
love you all
elder oliverson

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