Monday, January 20, 2014
Another great week here in Lille..
adil is his name and he just engaged himself to be baptized. we were a little down in the dumps because our muslim friend is having second thoughts about being baptized. We taught adil, who is from maurice by the way, and he was really into the lesson. it helped having one of our super members jacques duez with us. oddly enough, jacques served his mission on the same island where adil is from. we found ourselves there saturday eating some maurician food with them. We started teaching the lesson and when it got to joseph smith we had planned to have jacques share it and he started to talk when adil cut him off and told him that he already knew the story. he then recited us the whole restoration and it was so awesome. He told us that he was ready to be baptized so we gave him a date for the 8th which might have to be changed due to our american night for the ward. i'm staying in lille which is good news so all is well
Monday, January 13, 2014
Miracles in Lille
the lord works miracles does he not? this transfer hasn't been the easiest here in lille. we've been working and trying so hard to get things back up. well this week was a week where i know that we did our max to accelerate the work.

this week we found a man from jabooty (spelling) named karim who is from a muslim background. we found him and taught him a couple times this week. at first we really didn't know why he was meeting with us. halfway through the first lesson he asked how he could be baptized. we told him how and he expressed his desire. i pulled out the calendar on the phone and we all decided to pray between 2 dates, the 25th of january and the 8th of february. obviously we then taught him to pray. when we saw him the next time he told us that he had prayed about the 2 dates and he said that when he got done praying he didn't really know how to explain what he felt. i had prayed the night before and had a really overwhelming feeling that the 8th was the day for him. we talked to him a little and he expressed that he really liked the 8th as a date. so we fixed the 8th and called it good. we were in the library teaching and he made us go outside because he was afraid of crying in front of people. no worries they were tears of joy. it was so nice to see him just take that decision. we know that it's going to be a slow process seeing as to how he's muslim and needs to understand a lot of different things but we understand that he is an elect child of god as well!
the blessings didn't stop. one day we received a call from an unknown number. it turned out to be a member from the other ward. she told us of one of her friends who had just moved from the maurician islands which are right by madagascar. we set up a rdv with them and things happened where i was on a split with a really young missionary. we taught one of the best lessons i've ever taught and the spirit was so strong. in the end i did what i always do and i talked of baptism. i told him that that is why we were there and that we knew it would help him. we asked him and his daughter if they were willing to read the book of mormon and ask if it was true and if they found their answer be baptized. he said yes without hesitating. the only problem is that he is studying with the jehovah's witnesses. now it's time to take my knowledge of the bible and use it to help out our ami. everything is top notch here in lille and i'm about to go get me some nice clothes on soldes. i need them because the ward keeps making fun of me for all my clothes being so big. i guess i'm officially an old missionary
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