what a week!
This week was so crazy and things don't seem like they'll be cooling down at all. We had tons of lessons and we have been working our butts off out here in Amiens. the week started with some heart breaking news from octavien who told us that he was going on vacation for 1 month and a half. it was super sad to hear but hopefully the missionaries will be able to pick him back up when he gets back.
On thursday i was picked to go to paris with another elder who lives with us. he had his passport stolen so it was up to me to go with him and try to direct him around paris. i don't know why they chose me because i've never served there and i don't know how to get around at all. we were able to get him set to get a new passport. the bad thing was that it took so long so we had a few hours in paris. we weren't too far from the arc de triomphe so we headed over there and met 2 member families which was funny.
saturday was a great day. we had a lesson with blessing and we brought with us fanja who is a killer member. she is so legit and so nice. she brought blessing to church 2 weeks ago and was totally testifying and sharing all the experiences she has had in the church. so we went there and we taught her and her family about the plan of salvation. she loved it so much and she was just so into the lesson. before we had talked tentively about setting a date but it wasn't anything serious. we hadn't even thought of a date! after the lesson she was just expressing how much she loved the church and the restoration. i felt like it was the right time so i just asked her to be baptized on the 19th of july. luckily the 19th of july is a saturday. she just started laughing and buried her hands in her face it was really weird. fonja elder weston and i just looked at each other it was kind of awkward. fonja asked what was wrong and she just said she wasn't clean enough to be ready to be baptized so we pulled out the scripture in moroni 8:25-26 and she totally understood that she didn't need to be perfect to be baptized. so she accepted the date and it was such a cool lesson.
The mission is so awesome and i'm so sad to be reaching the end. i'm trying my best to make it last though!