So this week Elder Wilson came across some serran wrap, I have no
idea if that's how you spell it so I will refer to it as wrap throughout
this stoy. Nobody knew he had this wrap, he had taken it from the give
away box and was secrectly hiding it with his delicates. Wilson is a
speed showerer, by speed showerer I mean he is always the first one
finished. I'm usually the second to last one finished. The last person
is always Elder Barr but we will get into that later in the story. I
finish my post-gym shower and methodically begin putting on my clothes
when I realize I can't find the shoes I wore that day. It was so strange
because I looked all over the room and there's only one place
shoes could really be. As my sickness kicked in I medaphorically "gave
up the ghost" (I'm not sure if that's ok to say, but we have an ongoing
joke that when someone falls asleep during a talk or something they
"gave up the ghost") I just decided to put on my other shoes and find
the missing pair later. Wilson told me that I needed to look under my
pillow for my shoes. This was odd but of course I lifted the pillow and
looked for my shoes. Nothing. He said, "No, more under than that." I
looked under my bed and of course I found my shoes there with a ton
of wrap on them. This sparked Wilson's mind and we began to wrap some
of Barr's possessions. We had time for this because he took an
exceptionally long shower this day and we just kept going. After we had
wrapped his watch and his pillow we decided that was enough.
The day went on and Barr had no idea that anything was
wrong. Little did he know Wilson and I were hatching an ever so devious
plan. Barr likes to read or do things like that till it's time for
lights out. He usually forgets to brush his teeth and ends up doing it
while we are all lying in the dark. Lately I have been playing mother
and reminding him to brush his teeth, but this day I would not. This day
I would let him read to his little heart's content. He then would need
to brush his teeth and after he left the room Wilson and I would work in
the dark and make a wrap wall from one post of his bed to the other. I
guess my nagging had gotten to Barr (my mom would have liked him because
her nagging did nothing to me :) ) and he decided that he would brush
his teeth at 10:20 which is ten minutes before quiet time. We had almost
admitted defeat but then at about 10:26 Barr needed a bathroom break
and once again there was a little light to our plan. As soon as Barr
left we scurried out of our beds, turned the lights off, and began work.
We knew it was early for lights out but we thought we could
overpower Barr with a 2-1 type of thing. We made a wall the likes of
the great wall of china from his bed posts which made it impossible for
him to enter bed without going through it.
Barr came back from his potty break and said, "Oh, is
it lights out already?" I quickly replied with, "Yes will you bouche le
port." bouching the port is french derived. It means to clog. We clog
the bottom of the door so the light doesn't sleep through. This way we
can sleep like the spiritual bats we are. I'm sorry the verb boucher is
to blog. I wouldn't want to be preaching false French. We conjugate it. I
don't know how to spell I'm sorry. Anyways. The light seeping
through from the open door was just enough to put a slight glare on the
wrap. Wilson lept out of bed like a cougar (Wilson goes to BYU so
there's the joke) and slammed it shut. This was strange behavior
nontheless. All the sudden my boyishness crept into me and I began to
giggle at the thought of what happened next. Between laughs I tried to
cover it up by saying, "Bouche (ha ha ha ha) that's such a funny word!"
Barr was jovial after bouching the port (port is a door or doorway or
something like that, sorry I forgot to mention it and bouche
is pronounced like boosh) I could see nothing in the pitch dark room but
I knew he was heading towards his doom and Wison and I's pure ecstacy.
It seemed like hours till he got into the bed and then, finally, I heard
it. "AHHHHHHH." It was like nothing any other human could muster. Only
that of a ghost who'd been long dead for hundreds of years. In your mind
think of a groan and a moan and then find a happy median in between
that's where this sound was. Laughter erupted from me. I'd lost all
sanity and the giggles took over. I could see nothing but I heard the
rustling of the wrap and the discomfort of Elder Barr. As he folded the
wrap up he threw it at me and I went to bed a happy person.
Final story I'll make it short because I'll be gonig over my alotted time.
one day I came across our old friend the baker in the laundry room.
Coincidently it was right after I sent off the first e-mail involving
our 4-square. We struck up a conversation in broke French and English. I
began to ask him about his favorite American films. He said he loved
the avengers and we began to discuss the movie, at this point
another Frenchman named Demuynk (or something like that) chimed in and
was talking. I told them how much I loved Thor and they all agreed.
Some smart dude who thought he was funny from across the table said, No,
no, no Captain America is clearly the best. We all had a good laugh and
then I said, Maybe one day they will have a captain France!" The baker
found this to be very funny he said, in his wonderful French English
accent. "yez zen we could 'ave a super'ero wiz a baggette, a barret, and
some cheeze. Zat would be great. I can juz imagine a man 'itting
villians wiz 'iz baggette and spreading bottles of wine everywhere." We
had a nice little laugh and we became ever better friends
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