This week was sweet in good old france. we worked really hard all week
and i was feeling kind of discouraged because nothing happened. we
taught lessons but they weren't super great to be honest and the amis
just weren't really into us this week. needless to say it was tough at
the beginning. but
everything changed. we had a lesson with our ami whose name is anne.
she is a super sweet lady but she just wasn't showing much progress. we
had just given her the bom and as homework we gave her the introduction
to read. we started the lesson as usual by her giving us some exotic
fruit flavored syrup in our carbonated water. i was taking a casual sip
after asking her if she read the bom. she promptly told me that she read
it and that she was going to come to church because she prayed and god
told her to go to church. i choked on my syrup and carbonated water and
then i was speechless after. my companion hadn't understood what she
said and the member with us just looked at me while i tried to search
for words to say. i told her that i was at a lack of words and that i
couldn't even explain the joy i was feeling. needless to say she came to
church and loved it
at church another crazy thing happened. now in st die there aren't any black people in the branch and this sunday
whilst welcoming the members to church i noticed a black man walk in
and i started talking to him. come to find out he's from switzerland and
his soon to be wife lives here so he moved here. he brought his wife to
church with him and we should be starting teachings soon. all i can say
is that the lord answers prayers
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