this week i found out that i'm going to have the
wonderful opportunity to serve in brussels again!!! i'm so happy for
this chance to go back up to the place where i started. it's funny
because it's kind of like a full 360 on a year. i started here and now
one year later i get to come back. yes i'm in louis which is the other
side but i will have so many opportunities to see some of the fruits of
my labor. as a zone leader i will get to go back to strombeek on
exchanges and that is so awesome. there are so many people there that
helped me so much when i was younger in the mission so it'll be cool to
see them. also i might even get to see ludovic get married. that would
be too cool.
i'm so glad that i got this chance to serve in the
wonderful ville of st dié all the people here are so great and i'm glad
that i could leave this place in a state that was better than when i
came. we have been finding wonderful families and really it doesn't
matter where you're called on your mission you can find people if you
have faith and if you work hard. that's one thing i learned from st dié
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