Monday, August 5, 2013

Back to Brussles! I'm a zone leader!

Well this week was one that had a sad start. our ami anne decided not to get baptized for probably the dumbest 3 reasons i've ever heard in my entire life, well it's technically 2 but there are 3 things that bugged her: she told me she thinks that joseph smith used the word of wisdom and the law of tithing to gain power, she thinks that jesus didn't come to earth to establish a church therefore there can't be a restoration of anything, and she also said that nowhere in the bible does it say that tithing should be 10 percent. those 3 reasons were all excuses for the fact that she wouldn't admit that she was addicted to coffee. so sad to see her go like that but that's the life as a missionary.
this week i found out that i'm going to have the wonderful opportunity to serve in brussels again!!! i'm so happy for this chance to go back up to the place where i started. it's funny because it's kind of like a full 360 on a year. i started here and now one year later i get to come back. yes i'm in louis which is the other side but i will have so many opportunities to see some of the fruits of my labor. as a zone leader i will get to go back to strombeek on exchanges and that is so awesome. there are so many people there that helped me so much when i was younger in the mission so it'll be cool to see them. also i might even get to see ludovic get married. that would be too cool. 

i'm so glad that i got this chance to serve in the wonderful ville of st dié all the people here are so great and i'm glad that i could leave this place in a state that was better than when i came. we have been finding wonderful families and really it doesn't matter where you're called on your mission you can find people if you have faith and if you work hard. that's one thing i learned from st dié


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