This weeks ends the legacy of Elder Adams. I'm glad that we can all say that he died well. We had one of our best weeks this week and it was cool to see how well elder adams died.
We didn't have the chance to see the apostles in paris but surely the mission felt their presence and we felt it in brussels no doubt. All week we had super spiritual experiences with all our amis and it was just so good. Unfortunately fabrice didn't get baptized this week but now we're planning for next week. the only thing that was stopping him is the person that he wanted to baptize him had to work so we moved it another week. i was sad that elder adams couldn't see our miracle ami get baptized but it has been a good run with him anyway. oh fabrice!
This morning during the call that all the zone leaders do president poznanski shared some super awesome news with us. We are now in the top ten missions in all of europe. Our mission has had enough baptisms to reach the top 10. this is something that was never expected to happen in the france paris mission. This is a statistical proof that the work is accelerating so fast and so well in the france mission. Also the number of active members in europe has now reached over 100,000. I love to see all these European saints and all the great things that are happening right now. Isn't it the time for everyone to get out there and serve a mission?
I found out today that i will be receiving a young zone leader next transfer. he is brand new as zone leader just like i was last transfer and i'm super excited to tear up brussels with him.
This week elder adams let me read a nice book called "the challenge" and it's really changed my mission. I feel that everyday i need to be out challenging people to be baptized and to know christ in their lives. i'm so happy to do this work and i really don't have much time to write but i love you all and i'll send a nice long e mail next week
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