i need to be short this week but i will try to get in a good experience.
so sunday we had one of our amis come to church, well we had 2 but basically i'll tell you about this one ami. he came about 25 minutes late and then he sat up about 6 rows in front of me. i was in the back with fabrice talking to him about his wife, which is another story for another time. the meeting was closing and people were giving what we thought to be the final testimonies. then i see our ami get up and start walking to the front to give a testimony. he got up there and we were already over time by 5 minutes. he salutated everyone and began to tell a story about this wife and how there son, dieumerci (translation; thanks god) was born. really i can now see why they chose the name for this child because it was truly a miracle that he was able to be born without problems. he then gave a typical joel (his name is joe) response and ending to his testimony, it went like this-Dieu est là il est là et, il est là. translated being-god is there, he is there, and he is there.
What a true statement by such a nice humbe man. The members loved it i loved it everyone loved it. You could say that joel really made a great first inpression. during our gospel principals class he actually filmed all 35 mintutes of it on his phone. It was super funny but he wants his children to watch it. Hopefully we can get his whole wife involved because they're a family that would only help the church!
Elder Barr and Jason
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