This week was a great week overall. We made a lot of progress and i feel super good about the condition that i'm leaving brussels. we saw michelle and aimé who are the 2 dates that are here in brussels and they were great. they've been just doing everything they need to to prepare themselves for baptism. One good thing about the transfers is that i'm going to lille. it's only 30 minutes away so i'll be able to come back and see all the baptisms of the people i've taught. It's weird that it's only 30 minutes away and it's in a completely different country. no more belgium elder oliverson i'm totally french now. woo hoo!
My New Home!

We also found many great amis this week. we had some time to do contactng and the lord blessed us so much. there was one hour of contacting this week that tops all other hours of contacting on my mission.
My New Home!
We also found many great amis this week. we had some time to do contactng and the lord blessed us so much. there was one hour of contacting this week that tops all other hours of contacting on my mission.
here's the story:
so we had fixed a rdv with one of our amis and he decided that instead of coming at 1 like we'd planned he was going to come at 4.. ok cool well now we are stuck at the church with nothing to do. so i said a little prayer to myself. in my mind i thought of a passback that we had in a part of brussels called madou. quickly i told my comp and we headed off to the pass back. well the pass back wasn't there so that was kind of a bummer. the street was barren with only one man so i talked to that one man. he was very interested in a restoration of the church of jesus christ. he was free at 5 in the afternoon which worked perfect because we were set to be at the church at that same time. still having time to contact we went down a road and then the magic happened. in 1 hour of contact we got 7 numbers and fixed 3 rdvs. i'd never seen that kind of success in my life and it all spouted from that one little prayer i said while sitting at the church. prayer works!
the rest of the week was filled with lessons and just lots of fun. we finally got in contact with carmelina again and she's getting back on the trap of baptism. we had a fun night at their house and it just a great thing to see them before i leave.
the final thing i'll tell you about is Levani. Levani is a guy that was baptized a year ago. he has some issues but he really likes the missionaries. tuesday morning we get a text telling us that levani missed one of his injections for his psychological problem and now he's in a type of lockdown asylum. All he wanted to do was read the book of mormon and all that good stuff. he is a great guy and we went and read with him. he told us that he wants to change. it's been a year since he's been to church and he wants to come back. i left him with a parting gift of a white shirt and tie and some pants that i had. it feels good to give to someone like him and i hope to see him in the future
stay sweet
elder oliverson
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