so the start of the week we had a FHE scheduled with a super stylish member named manu. We picked up our ami Adil and he began to express to us that it was not possible to be baptized this saturday. His son was still having the gastro and he just couldn't make it. we told him that he still had 6 days till saturday and that everything would be ok. The stylish member was a little bit late to his own FHE... but once he got there we had a nice object lesson with him and he really testified to Adil about the importance of getting the gift of the holy ghost ASAP. He really helped Adil realize it and we ate some really yummy pizza at his house as well. What a machine!
The week went on and i did an exchange with a new missionary. we had a lesson with a sweet family we are teaching. A family like this is rare in france, they are both on their early 20's and they have a child. We needed a real machine for our lesson so who did we take? Our super fit basketball playing DMP. Let's just say it was a slam dunk. The young missionary told me after that it was the best lesson he'd ever had on his mission. We taught the restoration and were able to answer all the questions she had. it was super spiritual and just a good all around lesson. What a machine! the same day we got the news that Adil and his daughter were prolonging the baptism till next week so we were a little down.
The day after we had another meeting with Michael Jordan Jr. (Our DMP) and we expressed that Adil and Ashna said they needed to wait to be baptized. Not on his watch. He called our assistant DMP and had him talk to Adil and Ashna. our assistant DMP served on their island for one year during his mission so he know how to handle them. The next day we found out that they were getting baptized on saturday. Jacques (Assistant DMP) called them and just explained the importance of not waiting and doing it ASAP. they understood. What a machine!
The baptism went well and we didn't even have to plan anything. There was a good crowd there and the talks were just great. It was a nice way to end the week. We had a super good baptism thanks to all the ward members and we hardly had to lift a finger. What machines!
This week is going to be a busy week. all the time we are even in Lille is going to be spent teaching and most the time we'll just be outside of Lille. Oh well i guess that's the work of the Lord!

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