Monday, June 23, 2014

Goodbye Poznanski's

this was a sad sad week for everyone in the france paris mission. all the zones had the chance to have their farewell conferences with the poznanskis. they are legends and have done so much for this mission. i can't even thank them for all the advice they've given me and for all the great things they taught me. if i were to make a list of all the times they've helped me it would take up a whole blog page. it was a sad day and a real tear jerker for sure, but thanks to facebook they aren't gone forever. there's one benefit of social networking. 


Other than the zone conferences we had a bit of a rough week. it seems that all of our amis are gone somewhere or were just busy this week. we met one guy named octavien and we have really high hopes for him. he's 18 and from rwanda. He's could be some priesthood to help the branch and also a perspective missionary. that's the only one i'm mission from my list so i'm putting lots of eggs in the octavien basket. i guess i should explain "my list". i have a list of types of people i want to baptize. for example, i wanted to baptize a french man and woman and also a guy from congo so i've done those 3. i wanted to baptize a muslim as well which was done. now i just have baptize a future missionary left. so there's my list. Blessing was busy this past week which was sad but we will get her this week and it will be ok.


It was a pretty slow week as far as the work was concerned but this week will pick up that's for sure. 



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