Monday, December 30, 2013
Nothing better than a French Christmas!
Christmas and chrismtas eve was so great here in lille. we went to the deron's and it was awesome. they allowed us to invite a family that we're teaching over the 24th and we had a ball. our amis were a little awkward at first and then they realized that every member doesn't wear a badge and contact people in the street. we ate a yummy raclette and it was totally a french 24th which was one of the greatest things ever. the 25th only got better. we woke up at 9:30 and it felt super late. then i remembered that normal people wake up at that time.. woah i'm a missionary. we went back to the deron's and had some yummy toast with spreads. i totally ate caviare (fish eggs) and it was totally the grossest thing i've ever eaten ever! but i tried it and i was a trooper. after the eating was done we pulled out these like spit wad things. i totally had no idea what was going on. then there were these tubes and we just had this war where we spit them all over and it was great. i got shot and one lodged between my glasses and my eye. the sisters have all the good pictures and my camera won't let me send pictures over the internet so you'll have to wait for it. but that was basically all the fun that happened on christmas
after christmas was the sickness. the 26th i started feeling a little sick but i had a streak going of never staying in so there was no way i was going to break it. we went out and worked during the morning and the afternoon i could barely make it. i was dizzy and lightheaded and let's just say that my stomach wasn't feeling the best either. even in all my dizziness we managed to teach a lesson and do 2 solid hours of contacting. i came home and it started to just be really really cold which was weird because i was wearing my coat and there were 2 heaters on me. we called the mission doctor and she was super concerned. she told me there was no way i could go outside and that i was to stay in. this killed me. but i made the mature decision and stayed in. i got some medicine and things were fine after that. i ended up having some sort of stomach infection. the worst thing was that my streak was broken. oh well. with me being sick it's been interesting because i'm supposed to take it easy at nights. we've worked as hard as we could with me being sick and it's been oh so good.
sunday was a day of firsts for me. i tried for the first time foie gras (duck innerds) and snails. i must say they were both really good and i enjoyed them. i like the french culture and i'm glad i got to have a french christmas. the belg one was great but like come on it's france! vive la france!
elder oliverson
Wednesday, December 25, 2013
Merry Christmas - Life is good!
Tuesday, December 10, 2013
Au Revoir Brussels!
My New Home!
We also found many great amis this week. we had some time to do contactng and the lord blessed us so much. there was one hour of contacting this week that tops all other hours of contacting on my mission.
Monday, December 2, 2013
So many things to be thankful for...
woah the week of thanksgiving has come and gone. the week started off pretty well and kind of set the note for the rest of the week. i had the chance to go on an exchange with a cool missionary from Guadeloupe. he has only been converted for a short time but he is such a good missionary. so they have an ami in whom i've taken a lot of interest because i had the chance to teach just one day. so this exchange elder bananier (translation in english is elder banana tree, that's his name!) told me that we were going to a member's home to teach Landrine (his ami). i was super pumped and he asked me what we should teach and i was just like, the lesson of baptism of course. he didn't know what that was, mostly because i made it up, so i quickly taught him. now i will let everyone know that the lesson of baptism to this point went 5 for 5. it was batting 1000. we were all prepared and the members were prepared as well. Landrine came and we gave her the lesson and the spirit was so thick and she said she wasn't sure if she knew the church was true the first time, but no worries the baptismal lesson takes care of that. we had her all squared away and then she agreed to be baptized but the date wasn't sure. so we'll count that as a walk for the baptismal lesson. still batting 5 for 5. overall it was a great lesson. i've never seen a harder head than landrine and she still accepted.
Monday, November 25, 2013
The Belg Life!
The Belg life! Well this week i didn't eat any fries or waffles so it was an odd week for a true Belg man like me. I can't believe i've spent over half my time in the field in Brussels. For sure i'll have to come back here and visit some of my favorite spots. But i think my time may be running rather short. Back to France with me.
Monday, November 18, 2013
Baptisms for everyone!
Monday, November 4, 2013
this week i'm going to start off by google translating the e mail that i wrote to the mission president this week!
Monday, October 28, 2013
Oh the week of ups and downs...
Monday, October 21, 2013
Well another week has passed by in brussels and lots of great things have happened.
Monday, October 14, 2013
And the mission goes on...
i need to be short this week but i will try to get in a good experience.
so sunday we had one of our amis come to church, well we had 2 but basically i'll tell you about this one ami. he came about 25 minutes late and then he sat up about 6 rows in front of me. i was in the back with fabrice talking to him about his wife, which is another story for another time. the meeting was closing and people were giving what we thought to be the final testimonies. then i see our ami get up and start walking to the front to give a testimony. he got up there and we were already over time by 5 minutes. he salutated everyone and began to tell a story about this wife and how there son, dieumerci (translation; thanks god) was born. really i can now see why they chose the name for this child because it was truly a miracle that he was able to be born without problems. he then gave a typical joel (his name is joe) response and ending to his testimony, it went like this-Dieu est là il est là et, il est là. translated being-god is there, he is there, and he is there.
What a true statement by such a nice humbe man. The members loved it i loved it everyone loved it. You could say that joel really made a great first inpression. during our gospel principals class he actually filmed all 35 mintutes of it on his phone. It was super funny but he wants his children to watch it. Hopefully we can get his whole wife involved because they're a family that would only help the church!
Elder Barr and Jason
Monday, September 30, 2013
The vision of the mission
This week we ran all around and just tried to find new people to teach and tried to help the people we are teaching progress towards baptism.
monday was a great day. so the vision of the mission is to talk to everyone all the time no matter what. so we were coming back after eating waffles with a companionship in our zone and we were on the metro. i walked on and stood by a man who had a weird box and i swore that i heard a chirp from the box. i thought nothing of it and just stood on the metro. the second chirp caught my attention and then i looked at the man. he shrugged his shoulders and said to me, "c'est la vie.' after this we began talking and i found out that the guy had picked up a bird from the side of the road and he was going to hide it from his landlord and nurse it back to life. The conversation was in heat so we had missed our stop and gone a couple too far which ultimately took 15 precious minutes of our p-day. in the end we fixed an apt with the guy and we went on our ways. we went to his house and he told us he had the bird in the pantry and that the landlord would never find it. We then began to tell him about what we do as misssionaries and all about the book of mormon. He then engaged himself to come to church. Sunday he came half an hour early to church and just sat and waited. After church he told us that he didn't know about all the things he heard and that he was going to call us in a week. That night he called me and we talked a little and he flat out admitted that he really liked church but understood nothing at all because the translation wasn't working. We have another nice rdv with him this wednesday
tomorrow we get to see the new vision for the mission and what our goal will be for the end of the year. i really love the mission goals because i love the unity we all have when we have one single thing for which we are working. it's a great thing and i think this next one will be even better!
Elder Oliverson
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
Baptized Fabrice!
What a great week! for starters i have to give a shout out to my el salvadorian bro in law. Ricky we ate some papousa on monday and it was sooooo goood! but now let's get to the stuff that matters.
This week we solidified the baptism of fabrice by actually baptizing him. He has changed so much and he loves Thomas s Monson. We watched the talk with him where Pres. Monson tells the story about when he lit the weeds on fire as a kid at his cabin. he loves how modern all the stories were. that's why we call it modern day prophet right? well his baptism was a nice service and everything went smoothly from there. he was so happy on sunday when he got to church and he actually started singing the hymns. he said that since he was a member it was his obligation to sing the hymns now even if he doesn't like singing. oh great! i think all the members need to have that type of attitude.
We also found a sweet brazilian family. we taught the mother and the son and the mother said she will be baptized, the son was a little more hesitant. She is super nice and has lived in brussels for 9 years. it's fun to see all the different cultures out here and to hear all the stories about why people came and how things are going for them.
mission council friday was a super great opporunity to feel the spirit and see the direction in which the mission is going. now we're getting a whole surge of new missionaries so we are focusing on finding. we are focusing on talking to people everywhere at all times. this is the most perfect thing and just some more proof that the people leading this mission truly are inspired. i had been thinking about this for a while because between strombeek and louise people don't like to help one another out. i think that if we're all contacting in the different areas of brussels the work will get going even faster and we will see even more baptisms. the theme for this transfer is.. I love brussels! all around you see the shirts the say i (heart) brussels so i thought it would be cool to get everyone going on that and having us love brussels. this means we will contact all over and not let it matter whether we are in strombeek or louise. It's so true that everyone loves brussels
much love
Monday, September 16, 2013
the Legacy of Elder Adams
This weeks ends the legacy of Elder Adams. I'm glad that we can all say that he died well. We had one of our best weeks this week and it was cool to see how well elder adams died.
We didn't have the chance to see the apostles in paris but surely the mission felt their presence and we felt it in brussels no doubt. All week we had super spiritual experiences with all our amis and it was just so good. Unfortunately fabrice didn't get baptized this week but now we're planning for next week. the only thing that was stopping him is the person that he wanted to baptize him had to work so we moved it another week. i was sad that elder adams couldn't see our miracle ami get baptized but it has been a good run with him anyway. oh fabrice!
This morning during the call that all the zone leaders do president poznanski shared some super awesome news with us. We are now in the top ten missions in all of europe. Our mission has had enough baptisms to reach the top 10. this is something that was never expected to happen in the france paris mission. This is a statistical proof that the work is accelerating so fast and so well in the france mission. Also the number of active members in europe has now reached over 100,000. I love to see all these European saints and all the great things that are happening right now. Isn't it the time for everyone to get out there and serve a mission?
I found out today that i will be receiving a young zone leader next transfer. he is brand new as zone leader just like i was last transfer and i'm super excited to tear up brussels with him.
This week elder adams let me read a nice book called "the challenge" and it's really changed my mission. I feel that everyday i need to be out challenging people to be baptized and to know christ in their lives. i'm so happy to do this work and i really don't have much time to write but i love you all and i'll send a nice long e mail next week
Tuesday, September 10, 2013
Becoming something that i'm not
Monday, August 26, 2013
Holy spirit fill us with your POWER!!
Another week has come and gone and we're sitting here wondering where the time went. What's a week in Brussels without a wonderful African experience to start things off. So we have one ami named Olivier and he is the guy who is a branhamist which is totally crazy. This week we went and saw him and his mother was there for the RDV. We decided that we'd get her up to date with things and we watched the Joseph Smith movie, the short one that lasts 19 minutes that is. After watching that my companion asked a simple question of, "What do you think about the movie?" the lady replied in a very unique way, she asked if she could sing. Personally I was taken aback by this request but we obliged and she sung us a little tune that went like this:Holy spirit give me your power, she sung this line 3 timesHoly spirit show me the path, she sung that about 5 timesand then she really dropped the bomb with this next line and accompying dance moveHOLY SPIRIT FILL US WITH YOUR POWER!It's important to know that when she said US she put her hands out and did a move where she swayed back and forth, almost hitting me in the face because i was in the seat right next to her. She then ended the song and we sat in silence for about 10 seconds till she said amen. We all said a solemn amen agreeing that we had just experienced the things that start basic voodism and we went and taught the lesson as planned.We stumbled out of that RDV and headed directly to another one where we taught our sweet baptismal date Fabrice about all the fun things that have to do with the ten commandments and the law of chastity. He took it very well and it was super fun. It was also super hilarious to see my companion try to work an Ipad. Fabrice wanted to know if there was an app where he could get the scriptures on his Ipad. My comp was all over that and I watched him for about 3 minutes struggle to find out how to use the Ipad. Oh boy i wonder what another year in the mission is going to do to me. He is currently complaining that the missionaries in his ward in California all have Ipads. We've had lots of talks about how we're a dying breed of missionaries. We're the breed and age that went out and talked to people and had no idea that there would ever be an Ipad in the hands of a missonary. Honestly i'm so thankful that i get to be here right now and i couldn't even imagine my mission without the endless hours i've spent trying to find people who are interested. I love it!This week we had a weird chat with one of our amis and her family. This amis is the only person in her family not baptized and after she has her baby she'll be baptized, but that's beside the point. We were talking a little about the protestant church that they went to and they were telling me the things that went on there. Never before in my life had hearing about other people's practices make my testimony of our church stronger but that this point it did. I'm not going to go into the specifics but all that RDV long while we were talking about the gospel of Jesus Christ I just kept thinking about how blessed we are to have a prophet who is really inspired from God and who know what's best for us as a church. Today I studied modern day prophets and it was just another testimony builder for me that really we're guided by a real prophet or else our church would have apostalic practices like the churchs who try their best but don't have that restored authority. The church is true!Tomorrow is zone conference and we're going to have a fun training on being yourself and doing missionary work at the same time. It should be fun and it's one of the things that i think all missionaries need to work on.
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
Everyone is different, but it all works out in the end.
Monday, August 12, 2013
I love the mission
Monday, August 5, 2013
Back to Brussles! I'm a zone leader!
Tuesday, July 30, 2013
Finishing out strong
this week was a good week but i guess it was a little slow. i had exchanges out the ying yang and it was fun to go to paris and see all the boys and also to see the vision of the mission. we ahve really started to focuse on find families. i really like this vision and totally agree with it because that's what the church in france needs.things were good this week and we saw a whole lot of success we taught a lot of lessons, and of course we had some setbacks, but we really pushed on and it was a wonderful thing to see our amis come along little by little. transfers are next week and i'm really trying to push forward and finish this transfer out strong. hopefully we can finish with the baptism of anne and then it will be a storybook ending that's for sure.till next weeklove elder oliverson
Monday, July 22, 2013
Anne is being baptised August 4th!
Monday, July 15, 2013
20 is scary
Chantel and us |
Chantel Baptism |
Still dosent like fishing |
Tuesday, July 9, 2013
Hard work always pays off
Monday, July 1, 2013
Ami came to church!!

Monday, June 24, 2013
Chantal has been baptised!
Monday, June 17, 2013
Joshua 7
Monday, June 10, 2013
Always remain worthy of the people you convert
Monday, June 3, 2013
The days feel like Minutes!